Reflections on being with the kids

"I need my own time, my own career and goals, being with the kids all the time would bore me to tears and make me a dull person."

This was said, without any intent to be rude (!), by a mum I met at one of the playgroups.

Now, I've just spent over 3 weeks as the sole caregiver of my kids - literally I'm with them 24/7. Am I tired? You bet! Exhausted? Nearly. Frazzled? Exasperated? Often.

But bored? Hell no!

My children are a joy to be with, (mostly!) but more relevant to this question is that I see them. I see their personalities blossom a little further every day. I learn who they are, what they like and don't like, I guess you could say I study them! I am the top expert on them. I know them better than any living person in this world. And that isn't just because I happen to spend lots of time with them: it's because I have consciously made them my focus.

I haven't lost myself, or forgotten who I am. I have simply shifted my focus and my best efforts from my career, to my family. Sure, that was a choice. And it's an ongoing, daily choice. So my focus and interest is now on bringing them up well - that's dull and boring to many, and I'm totally ok with that! I'm equally bored with what many other people do for their careers, thanks very much Gary but I don't want to hear about how your high finance trades worked out this week.

I do wonder how many mothers are genuinely bored of their children, versus how many feel they "ought to be" because being at home all day with the rugrats is so looked down upon? But that's not for me to say. All I know is, my children are utterly fascinating to watch as they grow, and anything else I might do with my time (whilst outsourcing their upbringing to the cheapest available provider?) would bore me infinitely more.


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