Norway - snow at last!

In the course of my work with Churchear, we travelled to Oslo - a work trip for me, but Mr. and the kids got to explore a new country and city. Mid-March meant there was still snow on the ground, which the kids were extremely excited about! I didn't see much of the place at all, but the others were busy exploring and having fun! Here are some photos... Visiting a reptile sanctuary Sightseeing At a museum - historic children's toys They found a brilliant outdoor museum where lots of historic buildings were open to walk into and interact with! In a historic house D trying his hand at blacksmithing We visited a friend's house, who happened to have some sledges which the kids much enjoyed! The snow was mostly ice, and some grassy patches, but they weren't deterred. The friends also had an aquarium which the kids found fascinating Goodbye Norway, see you again in August!