Kenya: the journey home

Our return journey day started with a 3.30am wake-up call - that's 12.30am UK time - which would have been ok if we'd had an early night, but if course we didn't... so, leaving the house at 5am we arrived in very good time for our flight and even found time for a spot of breakfast at the airport. The flight this time was a daytime one, which I was a bit apprehensive about because the kids wouldn't be sleeping, but they did have a bit of a kip and the rest of the time they kept reasonably occupied with the inflight movies. And Emmanuel showed D(3) some Greek islands and boats on the water when we were above those, which D found fascinating! Coming home to a clean and tidy house, left so by our German house sitting guest, was the best - but we were absolutely finished and went straight to bed. It is nice to be back in our own beds!