Playgroups: the end of an era for us

At a playgroup in 2019 For the past 4+ years, you'd find me at a playgroup on pretty much any weekday morning. What's not to love - a place full of toys and other children and messy activities I'd never cope with in my own house, the kids playing happily (mostly) without my input while I sit back in a corner with a coffee or chat with other mums. I've never understood mums who said it's too much effort to get out of the house for groups. As I see it, it's way too much effort to stay in! These groups are for children up to school age though, and with N approaching that milestone in September, the end of playgroups has been looming on my horizon for some time. It's not so much that N is bored or unwilling to go - in fact I think she's only just reached a point of appreciating the storytime at the end of such groups! It's just that with most such groups it's simply an age thing, they cater to younger children. And that's fine. So we have...