Journey, part 2: Growing into Christianity - Family
A few days ago I shared how I initially became a Christian . It was very largely an intellectual journey - because, if I hadn't found objective truth, I would never have given my life to a figment of the imagination. But there was more to it, too: people. Chris & Starla's home group, 2002 My boss, with whom I enjoyed the daily God vs. no God debate, quickly became a friend because we had so much in common. At the gospel concert where I first visited her church she introduced me to her home group leader (the guy I bluntly asked if he actually , seriously believed "all this stuff") and he invited me to the home group. And I went because I liked him and I liked my boss friend, and because a number of other people I met that evening seemed rather likeable too. They would study the Bible at that group. I had never read more than the tiniest snippets of it, and at that point, I didn't believe it either (it took months of research before I got there, and th