Our Autumn 2022: Being here now

Man, we're busy again! There's our regular activity schedule - Co-op every other Monday, Gymnastics on Wednesday, Grandparents Thursday and Lego Club Friday - but since we've had Cody, we've also been forced to be out and about a lot more than we did with Fred. If Cody doesn't get out for a really good run at least once a day, nothing at home is safe from his mischief! We are blessed to have a wonderful nature reserve literally behind our house, which is a bit of a best-kept secret: it's really rare to meet anybody there. And while we did know of it ever since moving here, and did visit the tadpole pond in it almost daily during lockdown 2022, it's only now that we are really exploring it and trying different paths. I often go there on my own, when the kids aren't around, just me and Cody: a good hour of walking, praying, enjoying nature. Never thought walking the same area so many times could feed my soul like that - but it's really become something...