What are we? Freelearners!

There's a very - very - wide spectrum of home education in this country because we have so much freedom here. Because our children are entitled to a full-time education that suits their age, ability and aptitude, as home educators we can tailor this precisely to our own individual children. I have only two, so I can meet their needs and interests very specifically, which of course in a classroom with 25+ children would be impossible. The picture many people have of home education is home schooling : a school-at-home approach. And indeed there are some people who do that. You can use a full, prescribed curriculum, buy all the books and follow a prescribed timetable - there's even foreign curricula available (many people use American ones because homeschooling is very prevalent there, so lots of choices)... but, that's not us. This prescriptive approach is in fact one of the things I'm consciously avoiding: the idea of drilling information into kids whether or not they...