Just enjoying my children

I feel almost like I shouldn't be sharing this, because I don't want to come across as bragging - but this is the truth of my experience right now and today it's just really hit me so hard: my children, right now, are giving me so much joy I can't even express it. It's hitting me because I never expected joy in motherhood, only hard work - and the reality is so radically different it pulls me up every so often, and today was a strong one! Just being with them. Listening to them play together. Sure, they have their moments of not getting along but the vast majority of the time they are each other's best friend and playmate. Now they are both well able to articulate what they want to say, it's a joy to hear how they speak to each other. They encourage one another, and when there's disagreements, at least they both generally know where the other is coming from, and often they do find workable compromises eventually. And watching that gives me so mu...