Vienna, day 19: play and more play. And tough times.

Once again we attended the Thursday morning playgroup. This is by far the toughest to get any interaction with the adults, and I did spend long stretches on my own - resisting the temptation to get the phone out and get a bit of socialising through social media - but here and there I exchanged a few words with various ladies. Better than nothing, and the kids like it there; also it's free and there's coffee and snacks. On our way home, the kids were a bit tired but still well behaved. We didn't get a seat with good views so N started kneeling on a seat to see outside. That's when the old lady sitting behind us got involved - complaining about dirty seats, kids not sitting still, overwhelmed mothers who don't care.... in typical Viennese passive aggressive fashion she wasn't talking to me, she was talking about me but in a way that I should hear and feel condemned. Oh well. The kids didn't even notice. I ignored her. And was glad that our stop ...