2018: Reflecting on our year
This has been a year when, on the surface of it, not much happened. No new babies, no moving house, no international travel. It was a year of establishing and growing. A good year. The highlights... Building works. When the year started, our front yard was a messy slope with random weeds; lots of work and sweat (by Mr.) later, we have a fully functional car parking space. He literally filled up the slope one wheelbarrow at a time, with the soil he dug up from the back garden. Meanwhile in the back garden, Mr dug out the foundations for our extension and late in the year, the builders began work. As at the time of this writing, the wall is about knee high - hopefully by the end of January the shell will be completed. Front: the beginning Building a wall Filling in Got the kerb dropped! The finished product. Extension plans A digger in the garden!! Apple tree had to come down Digging Foundations Today's status. H