
Showing posts from November, 2023

Not home enough?

I listen to a lot of podcasts, broadly in three areas: Catholicism (interesting/faith growing), true crime (guilty pleasure), and homemaking/parenting (learning). An episode from the last category made me think today.... they were talking about home making routines and creating a "home-centred" life for the family. And I thought about our lives and how busy outside the home we are again , even after the lesson in staying home that Covid was; and that we definitely don't lead a "home-centred" life. But - is that a problem? Back at the start of 2020 it was one of my resolutions to try and spend one full day a week at home because we were always out and about, and I felt that a day at home would be beneficial in some way. Mostly on the basis that I saw other mothers do it and value it, taking pride in home making activities. Covid gave me a chance to bring in a routine, structure our days , and be at home in a way that didn't feel like a complete waste. And yet...