February Roundup

Only a little bit late, seeing as it's the 9th of March, but here are a few of our highlights in February. We are still in lockdown, the kids are missing the grandparents, and we can't wait for Spring to warm us up again soon!

Fun and creativity at home

When new furniture arrives, it comes with lots of cardboard... we had some fun with it

Baking, jigsaws, cutting hair: N(6) cut her own fringe when I wasn't looking!!! so her dream of long hair has been set back a bit... and I decided to bring out the hairdressing heads. The kids both had great fun with those.

Painting is always a winner...

Her own guitar!


We finally got to go out a few times, the sun is showing itself now and the daffodils are out. We still couldn't meet up with anybody, but at least getting a change of scenery (all local!) and a bit of fresh air is beautiful.

Daddy built a brand new sand box!

Valentine's Day

I felt very loved. We kept it low-key of course.


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