Advent 2020: Saying Yes

Today is Sunday, the first Advent Sunday of 2020. We are in lockdown.

I've spent some time thinking about how we can meaningfully celebrate Advent. I wrote about the "traditions" I'm creating for the children here, and most of these we will do again this year - but it's easy to focus on the kids and their experiences, and forget about my own Advent. 

Advent is kind of "the other Lent" - a time of waiting, a time of preparation. Some people give up things: social media, certain foods, perhaps meat on certain days. I thought about these things, and prayed, and I really felt God's finger put on one thing: to say yes.

Saying Yes

Mary said her yes to the angel without reservation - Fiat, let it be done to me according to thy word! She didn't try to control the outcome, she didn't require all the information first. She just said yes.

I have recently felt more and more that I should say yes more, specifically to my children. Often, I find myself saying not now - when they want to read a book together while I'm doing the laundry, when they want to pull out all the messy art materials just before lunchtime, etc. - and then I forget about it, the activity never happens, the moment is past: the not now has become a no

I want to say yes.

  • When a child comes with a book and asks me to read it to them - say yes. Now. Stop what I'm doing, and be there. In a few years they won't be asking any more. Time is precious.
  • When a child wants to go out to collect leaves to rub against paper, say yes. Get them dressed, get out there even if it's raining. Go with their enthusiasm, join in with it.
  • When a child wants to paint the handprints we did during the first lockdown, which still aren't painted, and I know that if they help with painting them they won't look that great. Still, say yes. The memory made will be much more important than the finished product.

These are difficult things for me - as a personality, I tend to be task focused and when I'm doing something I just want to get it done. This Advent, my aim (with God's help) will be to focus on my children, be fully there for them, and join their world more often by saying yes.


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