The end of Staycation Island: the "Great Pause" is over
After four months on Staycation Island, we are officially calling an end to the Great Pause: we're getting busy again. Covid is still all around us, but the world is no longer standing still and I will stop posting about "Staycation Island" because, at least, we are now able to see the kids' grandparents again and that has brought us, somewhat, out of isolation.
And at the same time, it's keeping us in isolation in a way - because they are in their 70's, we continue to stay away from our friends (whom we miss very much) so as to protect them. So in a way, our personal lockdown continues with modifications, but we're no longer an island to ourselves.
This isn't a summary post on four months of isolation, though. The four months we spent together have taught us much, and perhaps that'll be a post of its own later... this is just the very last Staycation Island post, so here's what we've been up to those last two weeks.
Things are opening up again
The Wild Place, an outdoor zoo near us, opened up again and we gave it a try. They've got lots of rules to follow, of course, to keep people safe - and unfortunately for us, those rules ruled out all the fun things the kids tended to enjoy there. No playgrounds. Don't touch the glass. Walk this way, not that. We managed to spend an hour there but that was as much as I could keep them there, we won't be going back until Covid is over.
The kitchen
Progress continues - the bones are there, but now it's into the small jobs of which there are probably hundreds to do. Still, it's now a working kitchen and it's beautiful and spacious and we're really happy.
Archie Walks
We continue to walk Archie for the time being, as his owner is still not going out much.
Enjoying the local area - so much nature!
We do a lot of scooting, nature walking and so on to get out of the house. It's become a bit of a habit and we'll definitely continue once lockdown is over, to spend a day a week together just as a family. Previously, ever since N(5) was born, we went out to meet with others every single day... lockdown has really taught me how to be at home.
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