A joyous age - reflections at 2 and (nearly) 4 years old

N went to nursery this morning and challenged both her fine and gross motor skills.

Meanwhile I took the boy into the woods. Lots of exploring to do there.


In the afternoon I met with a local friend who has two kids of a similar age as mine. That conversation brought home to me (again) just how easygoing and reasonable my children actually are! But this goes with some reflecting I've done recently.

I find myself delighting in those years. I'm on my second 2-year-old now, and both of them have been absolutely delightful. Their curiosity, pure loving nature, random laugh out loud moments... I love it! Yes, their endless energy is exhausting but I just cannot see how this age has been called terrible - my children have both completely failed to be terrible in any way, shape or form! They do have emotions, of course, but I haven't seen the out-of-control screaming, "tantrums", unreasonable demands that I was led to fear.

I feared so much. And the reality is... there is just so much love, it's drowning out all the rest.


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