A full Saturday

Sometimes days that, on paper, should be amazing just feel... hard. Today wasn't a bad day - we had so many experiences together - but many small things just added up to it all feeling like hard work.

I think N is going through a phase of being difficult just for the sake of it (entirely age appropriate at nearly 4, and very mild, yet for us it's just not what we're used to with her!) and D just had a hard time in his own skin today. As 2 year olds can do.

Nothing about this is extraordinary and I know others face much tougher challenges but this is my blog so I'll whine when I want to!

N has a swimming lesson early on Saturday mornings. After a few somewhat tearful and fearful beginnings (after 5 minutes she always enjoys herself!) today she went in happily and had fun the whole time.

As it was only 9.30 we went to town to catch an early glimpse of HarbourFest, before the crowds, so we went on a navy training ship, saw a bit of Cirque Bijou rehearsing and watched boats go around the harbour.

Driving a ship!

After naptime I had booked myself and N in for a kids orchestra performance, with a ragtime theme. She loved the music, got to try a few instruments (clarinet being her favourite as it made a very satisfying noise!) and danced, of course. Meanwhile Mr was with D on the (very dry and yellowed) Downs, where we joined them after the performance.

Action dad

Found a Wallace

Then we decided to have dinner at a nearby pub which we knew from our child free days, which at 5pm was really quiet, and had a lovely tasting (veg) burger while being run ragged by the kids antics. D smashed a full glass.

Man I'm so ready for bed. Mr is doing bedtime stories...


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